Sunday, January 24, 2010

Little Libby, Not So Little...


Tad: So you left the garage door open today…wide open
Me: Wide open, as opposed to half open? Really? I don’t think so.

Tad: Yes, wide open…
Me: (again with the wide open?) Oh, well I’m sorry.
Tad: Well you’re lucky the TV was still there.
Me: ::eye roll:: Yes, that’s a blessing.
Three minutes later
Tad: And when I got a sippy cup out of the cupboard, it smelled weird.
Me: Well maybe you should wash her cups from now on ass…Really? Like how?
Tad: Like you didn’t dry it out before you put it away.
Me: Oh…well I’m sorry
I look in the back seat at Libby and say – “Libby, I’m sorry you have such a shitty bad mom”
Tad: Why would you say that?
I look back at Libby again and say – “At least you have a perfect dad to balance it all out”
::Libby points at Tad claps her hands and says "Daddy!".  I turn back around and pout.  Tad smiles and kisses my cheek::

Little Libby, not so Little
  The other morning I woke up and this little girl was sleeping in my bed. Her head was on the pillow and the covers were over her lap with her little hands resting on top. My little baby was gone. She no longer slept all curled up with her butt in the air and her thumb in her mouth. It felt like I had not looked at her in months, when did she get so big? I watched her that whole morning. When she finally woke up, she looked at me and smiled, put her hand on my face and said "Juice". I laughed and we got up, she got off the bed all by herself and walked into the kitchen and stood by the refrigerator. I poured her some juice and made her some waffles and she went and sat at her little table and ate quietly, smiling the whole time.
  I took a picture of her that morning; it seemed like a good day to capture her Libbyness. While going through all my pictures, I found one of her from a year ago. A year ago she was just a little baby who couldn't sit up very well, had to be hand fed, and when she wanted juice she just screamed instead. But a year ago she was also my little baby who smiled just for me, slept on my chest, and loved to be carried on my hip.
  I love my new Little Libby, she's smart, a fantastic dancer, super funny and knows how to have fun for an hour with just a dishcloth and an old purse. She says Momma, Daddy, No, Pup Pup, Kitty Kitty (sounds more like keey keey), More, No, Juice, No, Stop, Cookie and did I say No? She also can tell you where Mommy's Baby is and will occasionally point at your chest and say booby then laugh and run off. She is our joy, our hearts, and our source of humor...

Libby stayed with her Noona and Papa this weekend, here is what my MIL called to tell us.
Noona:  I was trying to teach Libby her vowels and she was doing so well.  I said "A" and she said "aaayyy".  I said "E" and she said "eeeeeyy".  Then I said "I" and she looked at me the shut both her eyes and pointed to them with her fingers and smiled
Our child is a genius...


  1. why does a 1.5 year old know what "booby" is?

  2. hahahaha...because she's enthralled with them. I had to teach her that girls all have their OWN boobies and not to grab other peoples'. It was my first awkward conversation with her but she kept sticking her hand down people's shirts! She was a booby menace
