Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Grocery Quandaries

I went to Publix on is what my reciept reads:
-Weight Watchers Ice Cream Bars
-Weight Watchers Candy Ice Cream Bars
-Uncrustables PB&J
-Pills Biscuits
-Pills Grand Cinnamon Rolls
-Brown & Serve Turkey Patties
-Soft Pretzels
-Frozen Waffles
-Bagel Bites
-Watermelon Slice
-S/F Jello Pudding Chocolate
-S/F Jello Pudding Vanilla
-Sourdough Bread
-Sliced Mushrooms
-Matchstick Carrots
-Cream Cheese
-Strawberry Cream Cheese
-Iced Tea
-Lance Crackers
-Canned Fruit
Here is how the conversation with Tad went when he looked in the fridge that night.
Tad:  Did you get lunch meat?
Me: Crap...I forgot that and all the meat.
Tad looks in the fridge
Tad:  ICE CREAM?  You can't have that stuff!  You're killing our baby...(referring to the diabetes, this coming from a man who told me that when i didn't take my prenatal vitamin that I was essentially starving our baby, he doesn't really get the whole pregnancy thing)
Me: It's Weight Watchers, it's okay...mind your own damn buisness
Tad:  (voice gets louder with every word) Bagel Bites...waffles...SOFT PRETZELS!  What are these? (pointing to the uncrustables) You're telling me you can't make a PB&J???
Me: I bought you those crackers you like...
Tad:  How much did you spend at Publix?
Me: I don't know (shoulder shrug)...I bought some fruit.
Tad: How much?
Me: I don't a hundred...(looking at the receipt) I saved $11.40
Tad:  WHAT?  And you didn't even get meat!! What the hell? Why didn't you make a list? All you bought was junk, you are eating like a fourth grader!
Me: You look like a fourth grader...

So I have a lot of different cravings, and maybe I forgot the meat (and the bagles to go with all the cream cheese i bought)...And maybe I hate cooking and want a soft pretzel everynow and then.  And maybe I think Bagel Bites are a suitable replacement for dinner and that Sourdough toast for breakfast isn't that bad...Bottom line is I bought Tad his favorite crackers and he didn't even say thank you...Jerk

Tad told me that he would do the rest of the grocery shopping until after the baby.  That's proably a good idea...I still haven't even opened the Soft Pretzels yet...

1 comment:

  1. oh my! this was hilarious. "you look like a fourth grader"...
    my brother and I used to do that to each other all the time:
    "this is nasty"
    "you are nasty"

    "that looks strange"
    "you look strange"

    I remember the first time i did that to norm... didn't go over so well.
