Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines Schmalentines

All day Monday I read status updates on how great every one's significant other was; whether is was because they got roses, candy, or something cliche in general.  It wasn't the roses that bothered me, it was the need to share it all on Facebook that did.  Every status tried to one up the other:
Niave Nancy: My boyfriend got me roses, he is sooooo great!
Pittiful Patsy: My boyfriend got me a dozen roses and my favorite candy, he's the best!
Denial Denise: My fiance got me a dozen roses, a box of chocolates, and wrote me a poem...He is so wonderful.
::Gag me with chocolate covered nougat::
The only common theme (besides the overpriced greenery) were the words 'boyfriend', 'fiance', or "Our first Valentine's Day as a married couple". These poor girls...little do they know that the romance dies along with free time, sex, and happiness (just kidding about the happiness).
But before you write me off as cynical or jealous, please know that I in fact did get a lovely vase of beautiful flowers along with a cute card from Tad and the girls...I just felt no need to share, take pictures, or give the impression that Tad is Fabio in disguise.
I will say that we had a very 'romantic' tea candle lit dinner at the local (and almost completely vacant) Chinese restaurant while MW slept and Libby jumped up and down in the booth.  It kind of reminded me of the ending of "A Christmas Story"....Happy Vawrentine's Day!

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