Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Crazy List...

  Blogging used to come pretty easy to me…I am not quite sure what happened , but I’ve lost my touch.  This is most likely due to the fact that i've gone insane...If you were to peer into our windows you would see a house filled with debris and a woman with untamed curly hair sitting in the floor wearing a dirty bathrobe talking gibberish and making odd faces…It is like I’ve turned into the neighborhood cat lady, but sadly I have no cats. Instead, I have children (and ironically I’m considering litter box training the oldest).

  Our days are hard to explain, it’s not easy to convincing my husband I’ve had a hell of a day when I’m still wearing pajamas and the TV’s on Lifetime in the next room. The weeks go by like a slow fog, everyday is pretty much the same but totally different (see what I mean about the brain thing). We wake up every morning and everything starts over; breakfast, clean, play, clean, lunch, laundry, nap, clean, play, clean, dinner, clean, bath, cartoons, sleep…throw in there breast feedings, bottle making, diaper changes, pee pee cleanup, book reading, baby food, and singing happy birthday eight times in a row while carrying a five month old on your hip…It all makes for a pretty exhausting day. So since I’m unable to recollect exactly what has happened the past five months, I thought I would do things a little differently in terms of blogging; it’s called listing.

I call this one my Crazy List:
1. Left the house without a diaper bag, cell phone and bottle…noticed at Dairy Queen and had to go back home. Never told Tad in fear of what he would say about stopping at Dairy Queen.
2. Found coleslaw in my hair and actually ate it…Tad pointed this out to me after I swallowed it.
3. Spelled out the word car to my father while having a conversation… for no apparent reason.
4. Called Tad’s scrape on his hand a “scabby scab”
5. Let Libby hand me poop while in the bathtub.
6. Winked at Mary-Wilkes’ surgeon, then quickly rubbed my eye after I realized…now he thinks I have turrets..
7. Asked the ENT receptionist to tell me the difference between seeing a real doctor or a fake doctor …I actually said “fake doctor” .
8. Let Libby watch “The Shinning” with me from start to finish…that was just bad parenting there…
9. Fed Libby jelly on a spoon and American cheese one day for lunch because that was what she asked for.
10. Cried at Tad for not wanting talk at length about the movie “Predator”…Then said that this marriage wasn’t going to work if we didn’t have more intimate conversations…

Potty Mouth
Libby handed me a pretzel and I ate it right out of her hand…apparently she had been picking her behind right before this had happened.
Tad - (laughing hysterically) You know she was just picking her hinny right? I don’t know whether to call you butt mouth or ass face!
Me - (Quickly kissed him right on the mouth) Shit lips will do!


  1. i love it. i've missed your blogging!! i laughed harder and harder as i read each point on that list!

  2. i have missed your blogging too!!

  3. bahahaaa John and I just laughed a TON at rock.
